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Weapons Psalm

Throughout my military career I had heard differing versions of a "weapons prayer". I never found anything in writing nor found anyone who could remember a full version. Back in the late 90's I ran a website called the I sat down one night and wrote the Weaponz Psalm. I posted this psalm to that website in 1999. The site has since vanished into obscurity but I wanted to re-post it here as my first blog post. Mind you, this psalm will only make sense to other weapons troops.

Weaponz Psalm:

Yea, though I work in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no Evil. For where there is One, there is always Three. I preparest thy aircraft to accept the Iron that will be delivered in the presence of mine enemies. Thy ALCM and AMRAAM they comfort me. Power was given unto the Weapons Crew to make peace upon the earth by way of the Sword. And when the call went out, behold the "Sword of Stealth": and his name that flew him was Death, and Hell followed with him. For the day of wrath has come and Mercy shall not be given!

(c) Dan Snyder 1999

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