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Blind injustice ...

By now many people are familiar with the verdict in the Kate Steinle case. The illegal alien that shot and killed Kate was acquitted of the primary charge of murder. Anger over the verdict is being reported, but I am not sure how accurate that is considering the state of "news" reporting nowadays.

I will agree with one point, justice for Kate is nowhere to be found. But the next few sentences are sure to upset some. I wish I was surprised by the verdict. I wish I could be more upset at the outcome. Sadly, I am neither surprised nor upset.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate is a criminal. He was already a convicted felon who had been deported multiple times. He returned to San Francisco specifically because of their sanctuary city policies. The Steinle family are long time California residents. Kate, herself was a resident in the city she was murdered. Kate and the Steinle family were well aware of the politics of California and San Francisco sanctuary city policies.

Like most people I vote for or against policies in my state and local government. We mold our community based around like minded issues. We, as responsible voters, decide how our community is to be governed. When the majority start voting in complete opposition to the way an individual thinks, the individual has a decision to make. Remain in that community or leave and find other like minded individuals. Now, I understand, there are a lot of factors at play that may prevent a quick departure. However, the type of change I am speaking of here is gradual and would only evolve over time from like minded voters.

Here is where it is difficult for me to be upset with the verdict in Kate's' case. The Steinle family have been residents in this community long enough to witness the evolution of the sanctuary city policies. The Steinle's would have had the opportunity to vote for issues that allowed the sanctuary city to be established. The judge in the Steinle case was elected from the community. The jury that heard the Steinle case was empaneled from the community. This is how our justice system operates.

I am sure when the Steinle family voted on these issues they never could have imagined the price they would pay. Speaking from experience ... No parent should ever have to bury a child! With that put aside, I can not feel upset that justice was not found in a city where lawlessness is rewarded. The residence know what type of city they reside ... and apparently they approve.

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